Data in action
How can you make use of HRMI data to improve people’s lives? Here are some ideas.
This page is a collection of stories, links, and case studies of how our metrics are being used by a range of users around the world. Share your story with us!
Advocacy | Research | Interactive Data Portals | Government & Policy | National Human Rights Institutes | Business | United Nations & Multilateral Organisations | Philanthropy | Development | HRMI data as a Resource
Amnesty International published an article about ongoing harm to Māori.
The Borgen Project wrote an article on the path to poverty reduction in South Korea.
The Independent Commission for Aid Impact published this literature review: Review of the UK’s approach to democracy and human rights.
The South Asia Collective published the South Asia State of Minorities Report 2022.
Amnesty International published a report on human rights in Vanuatu, entitled Vanuatu: Leading on climate, lagging on gender.
Just Fair UK advocates for the right to housing to be brought into Welsh law in this article.
Amnesty International UK published a press release on the right to protest, especially in the UK.
Care Not Cages wrote this open letter to the Aotearoa New Zealand Government to transform the justice system to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Parents of Vision Impaired NZ published a press release in response to HRMI’s data on people with disabilities.
Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand published a press release in response to HRMI’s 2023 data.
The Human Rights Law Centre called on the Australian government to strengthen human rights in law.
Corporate Accountability & Public Participation Africa issued a statement urging President Bola Ahmed to protect democratic rights in Nigeria.
Broken Chalk submitted this report on the right to education for Bangladesh‘s Universal Periodic Review in 2022.
Broken Chalk wrote about intersectional discrimination in Perú.
Dorcas Adenike Oketoyin drew on HRMI data in this article on the right to health in Nigeria and the pressing need for improvement.
Broken Chalk submitted this report on the right to education for Romania‘s Universal Periodic Review in 2022.
The Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN submitted this report for India’s Universal Periodic Review in 2022 (link no longer active).
Broken Chalk submitted this report on the right to education for Serbia‘s Universal Periodic Review in 2022.
The 88 Project wrote about Vietnam’s HRMI scores in its weekly newsletter.
Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand published a press release on New Zealand’s Torture and Ill-Treatment scores, highlighting the problems with the criminal justice system.
Cultural Survival submitted this report on the state of Indigenous Human Rights in Uganda for the UN Universal Periodic Review, citing the country’s right to health and right to food HRMI scores.
MASUM used our data in their Report of Social Audit on the issues of Indo-Bangladesh Border Villagers.
The Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN (WGHR) included HRMI’s narrative summary document as an annex to their Joint Stakeholders’ Report for the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (link no longer active) .
Asia Democracy Chronicles featured HRMI’s arbitrary arrest score for Hong Kong as part of a feature on Hong Kong (link no longer available).
Together for Justice wrote a report on human rights in Saudi Arabia, focusing on HRMI’s new scores.
The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce used HRMI data in a media release calling for asylum seekers in offshore detention to be welcomed into Australia.
The President of Pride Cook Islands commented on HRMI’s 2021 scores publicly and raised awareness of current needs for reform.
New Zealand’s Human Rights Commissioners made a public statement about HRMI’s scores for New Zealand, and the need for significant improvements (link no longer active).
Cultural Survival used HRMI data on gender difference in the right education in their UNHRC UPR submission: Observations on the State of Indigenous Human Rights in the Solomon Islands.
APC used HRMI data for Mozambique in its report, ‘The struggle for the realisation of the right to freedom of expression in Southern Africa.’
Cultural Survival used HRMI data on the right to health and the right to freedom from torture and ill-treatment in their UNHRC UPR submission in March 2021 for Papua New Guinea: Observations on the State of Indigenous Human Rights in Papua New Guinea.
Former Prime Minister of Fiji, Mahendra Chaudhry, surveyed Fiji’s human rights record, especially with respect to police violence, in an op-ed in the Fiji Times. He included HRMI scores as evidence of problems: All Is Not Well.
The World Evangelical Alliance and Ethos included HRMI data on rights violations against Indigenous people in their Stakeholder’s Report for the Universal Periodic Review for Australia.
PVINZ called on the New Zealand government to act on disability support issues, using our 2020 data.
Peter Whiting features HRMI data in this thoughtful editorial on Australia’s mixed record on human rights, for Social Policy Connections.
“It is my hope that the quantitative measure of human rights performance, accorded by tracking measures like the HRMI, will act as a beacon to governments around the world, and will see them commit to measures designed to improve their standing in the human rights league table.”
Human Rights Pulse cited HRMI’s US data on extrajudicial execution and torture, in Hypocrisy and human rights abuses in the land of the free.
This post about human rights violations by police in Australia cites HRMI’s Australia scores, particularly in regards to Indigenous Australians, along with information from Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, the Royal Commission into deaths in custody, and the Australian Law Reform Commission.
ISHR, the Geneva-based NGO focusing on human rights defenders, used HRMI data in a report on intimidation and human rights abuses.
Amnesty International’s Southern Africa Regional Office approached HRMI for help using HRMI ESR data in a report on economic and social rights in Angola. (The draft report was completed but publication has been delayed due to covid-19.) (link no longer active).
Joshua Alade of the civil society organisation Nigerian Youth SDGs gave us this feedback on his use of our data:
“The meeting with the Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed went well. I was able to use the statistics from Human Rights Measurement Initiative to state the urgent need for investment in education and training for youth in Nigeria as this is the surest path to sustainable development. We will be hosting dialogues across Nigeria to get the aspirations of young Nigerians as regards decent work and the data from HRMI is really valuable.
We will be meeting with government representatives across ten Nigerian states over the next month and this data will be the centre of our conversation.”
Free Speech and Free Press Around the World used HRMI data in its analysis of the situation in Mozambique.
The Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares de Comunicação referenced HRMI’s Mozambique scores on the right to opinion and expression in this article: O Direito à Liberdade de Expressão no Contexto Moçambicano (The Right to Freedom of Expression in the Mozambican context). In Portuguese, with English abstract.
Josef Benedict from CIVICUS used HRMI’s data in a DevPolicy article about Fiji’s human rights record.
The Australian Human Rights Institute, at the University of New South Wales, published an article on HRMI data for Australia.
The Human Rights At Home blog discussed HRMI’s scores for the United States.
Human Rights Connected added a profile of HRMI to its resource website as a tool for activists.
AMES Australia, a refugee and migrant organisation, reported on HRMI’s data release, with particular mention of Australia’s scores.
Lauren Jurgemeyer cited HRMI’s Mozambique data in this report on freedom of speech and press.
Universal Rights Group (URG) in Geneva approached HRMI to collaborate on a range of projects. Together the two organisations co-published a report using HRMI data to shed light on the global human rights situation, and an article on how HRMI data can be useful for countries striving towards the SDGs. The collaboration is ongoing with URG planning new innovations to encourage the use of HRMI data for holding countries to account within the UN system.
Adhikari, B., King, J., & Murdie, A. (2024). Examining the effects of democratic backsliding on human rights conditions. Journal of Human Rights, 23(3), 267–282.
Carraro, V. (2024). The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on violations of the right to integrity of the person. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 9, 5.
Chai, Haochen. (2024). The Story of Inequality: Xenophobia and Racial Discrimination Against Asian Americans During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Education and Humanities, 14, 196-201.
Curtice, T., & Reinhardt, E. (2024). The politics of human rights trade sanctions: evidence from the African Growth and Opportunity Act. European Journal of International Relations, 30(1), 227-251.
Yildiz, A. (2024). Political Polarization and Human Rights Violations. Journal of Humanity, Peace and Justice, 1(1),1-17.
Germouty, A. (2024). The Climate Migration Crisis: Socio-Economic Impacts and International Policy Responsibilities in South East Asia and the Pacific Islands. Vietnamese Journal of Legal Sciences, 11(53).
Chatham House published a briefing paper about inequality, climate and technology’s impact on human rights.
Kiggundu, M., Musisi, B., & Kiwewesi, A.-N. (2023). Empowered School Environment for Effective Learning in Uganda’s Muslim Founded Primary Schools. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 6(2), 100-121.
Forman, L., & Jackson, C. (2023). Interdependent Determinants of Health and Death? Examining the Linkages between Health Equity, Human Rights, and Democracy during COVID-19. Annals of Global Health, 89(1).
The Leitner Centre for International Law and Justice used our data for their November 2023 report on ‘Unseen Struggles: Addressing Migrant Rights in Hong Kong’.
Luci, M. (2023). In Search for Soul: The Contribution of Analytical Psychology to Heal Human Rights Violations. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 39(3), 611-628.
Conrad, J. (2023). A New Right is the Wrong Tactic: Bring Legal Actions Against States for Internet Shutdowns Instead of Working Towards a Human Right to the Internet (Part 1). Seattle Journal of Technology, Environmental & Innovation Law, 13(2), 6.
Antonio Duarte Santos published research on the pandemic’s impact on students in higher education: Santos, A. D. (2023). O impacto da pandemia na aprendizagem dos estudantes: Um ensaio sobre o futuro do ensino superior. revistamultidisciplinar. com-Sociedade Digital e Cultura Participativa, 5, 127-156.
Mario, D. A. M. E. N. (2022). Values on the retreat? The role of values in the EU’s external policies.
Yates, Groot, Manuela, and Neef’s paper for the Journal of Community Psychology cited HRMI climate change data: Yates, O. E., Groot, S., Manuela, S., & Neef, A. (2022). “There’s so much more to that sinking island!”—Restorying migration from Kiribati and Tuvalu to Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Community Psychology.
New Zealand’s Human Rights Commission released this report on the state of the housing system in New Zealand using HRMI indicators.
Motu’s working paper Monitoring the enjoyment of the rights to adequate housing and health care and protection in Aotearoa New Zealand, Mitchell, L., Baylis, P., & Randolph, S. (2021). (No. 21_12).
Aram Terzyan’s paper uses HRMI data for Kazakhstan: Terzyan, A. (2021). Minority rights in Central Asia: insights from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 7(2), 103-115.
Deborah Casalin wrote an analysis of HRMI data on Internally Displaced Persons for the Refugee Law Initiative blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration.
The indigenous organisation, Eastland Community Trust, used HRMI data in its Tairāwhiti community wellbeing report, Tū ora ai tātou – Living well together, along with this comparison of local, national, and international wellbeing frameworks.
Prevention Institute featured HRMI’s 2019 data release in its public health media round-up, and quoted Lauren Wolfe’s Vox article.
Todd Landman’s paper, Measuring modern slavery: law, human rights, and new forms of data, which cites HRMI, was published in Human Rights Quarterly (Johns Hopkins University Press).
A peer-reviewed article on HRMI was published in the Journal of Human Rights.
A second (more technical) article was published in the Journal of Peace Research.
Independent Research Association of New Zealand (IRANZ) publicised our 2019 data on their website.
The University of Warwick, UK, included HRMI in its Global Benchmarking Database.
Academic Todd Landman discussed HRMI in a Delta8.7 article about research innovations that can help the fight against modern slavery (link no longer available).
Interactive Data Portals
The World Bank’s Sovereign ESG data portal includes HRMI’s new Economic and Social Rights Performance Score, which is calculated using the economic and social rights scores published on the Rights Tracker.
The World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) data portal draws on HRMI’s civil and political rights scores. Specifically, HRMI’s three ‘Empowerment rights’ scores feed in to the aggregate WGI Voice and Accountability indicator and four of our ‘Safety from the State’ scores feed in to the aggregate WGI Political Stability and Absence of Violence indicator.
The European Union’s Scoreboards Explorer incorporates HRMI data in a detailed interactive data portal.
The Universal Rights Group’s State of the World human rights and democracy data portal draws on HRMI data.
The Pacific Community’s data portal, Pacific Data Hub, includes HRMI data.
Government & Policy
Note: We have heard of several specific examples of governments using our data for internal purposes, but these examples are not available in the public domain.
Aotearoa New Zealand’s Chief Ombudsman published their Strategic Intentions for 2023 to 2028.
The Australian Human Rights Commission published this Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework.
Fiji’s National Economic Summit Strategy Paper cites HRMI data (link no longer active).
The US State Department uses our data in its Hong Kong Human Rights Report.
UK Think Tank The Foreign Policy Centre cited HRMI in two papers about Britain’s influence in Central Asia, regarding Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
When training judges in Nigeria, this conference address on human rights and the rule of law drew on HRMI data.
The US – China Economic and Security Review Commission cited HRMI data in its 2022 Report to Congress.
The European Union published this report on the role of values in the EU’s external policies.
The Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong included a press article about HRMI’s scores for Hong Kong in its digest.
The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation and Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs included HRMI data in their 2021 Voluntary National Review: Report on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. For SDG 2, the report says, ‘Norway must promote and finance a human rights approach that takes into account minimum living conditions. A useful tool is the Human Rights Measurement Initiative.’
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has advised that they are developing a new framework and tools for multi-dimensional poverty analysis, and that they intend to include a link to the HRMI Rights Tracker and encourage Sida colleagues to use HRMI data in their analytical work.
Professor Diane Desierto wrote about The Myth and Mayhem of ‘Build Back Better’: Human Rights Decision-Making and Human Dignity Imperatives in COVID-19 referring to the HRMI Rights Tracker as a ‘creative new technological tool,’ for the European Journal of International Law.
The European Parliament Research Service included our Journal of Human Rights article in a PDF collection of human rights readings for Parliamentarians.
The New Zealand Treasury and Ministry of Justice suggested that HRMI’s work be incorporated into future efforts to measure New Zealand’s wellbeing in this Justice, Wellbeing, and Social Capital discussion paper by Tim Hughes.
The New Zealand High Commission, Nuku’alofa, Tonga invited HRMI to discuss the Pacific Report over a zoom conference, attended by various human rights advocates from the media, civil society, youth groups, disability as well as representatives from the Ministry of Justice and Ombudsman’s office (link no longer active).
National Human Rights Institutes
The New Zealand Human Rights Commission published a press release on New Zealand’s social and economic rights performance, highlighting which groups were most at risk of rights violations.
Bahrain’s National Institution for Human Rights reported on HRMI’s data launch webinars.
The Ontario Human Rights Commission released this statement on human rights in COVID-19 recovery planning.
This article by the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions introduces HRMI data and how it can be useful to National Human Rights Institutions, using the example of this paper about health and housing rights in New Zealand.
A press release about HRMI’s 2020 NZ data from the Human Rights Commission said New human rights data show New Zealand is falling short (link no longer active).
New Zealand’s Chief Human Rights Commissioner used HRMI’s data to argue publicly for better respect for the rights to housing and education, and to call for the country to embrace international scrutiny, in this op-ed about New Zealand on The Spinoff.
ABN AMRO published a report exploring how financial institutions can strengthen human rights risk assessments of business activities in areas where civic space is restricted entitled No news is bad news.
In Business A.M., Professor Nnanyelugo Ike-Muonso uses HRMI data for Nigeria to argue the importance of human rights for development.
ZIGRAM included HRMI data in its data asset weekly dispatch (link no longer available).
United Nations and other Multilateral Organisations
The Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN included Narrative Report in their report for the 4th Cycle Review of India.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights prepared a thematic report assessing civic space trends.
The United Nations Association of New Zealand summarized our data in their press release.
Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand and JustSpeak published a joint submission to the UN Committee against Torture.
The UN Independent Expert on the rights of older persons cited HRMI’s findings in their 2022 annual report to the UN General Assembly on older persons and the right to adequate housing (link no longer active).
SPC, The Pacific Community, includes HRMI indicators in its Pacific Data Hub.
UNESCO has included the Rights Tracker as a source for the World Trends Report
The OECD published this Open Government Review of Brazil, citing Brazil’s Empowerment and People at Risk data.
The World Bank now uses HRMI civil and political rights data in its Worldwide Governance Indicators.
The FAO included HRMI’s report Human Rights During the Pandemic in its resources to stimulate debate on the right to food (link no longer active).
Staff of United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Leilani Farhar, asked for HRMI’s input ahead of her country visit to New Zealand.
Staff of United Nations Independent Expert on the rights of older persons, Rosa Kornfeld-Matte, asked for HRMI’s input ahead of her country visit to New Zealand.
Staff of United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Dainius Pūras asked for HRMI’s input ahead of her country visit to New Zealand (visit subsequently postponed due to Covid-19).
Our Ambassador for Jordan received a factsheet as background for reporting on the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council. The factsheet opens with citations of HRMI data for Jordan.
Grantmaker support organisation WINGS included HRMI in a list of resources for grantmakers for funding decision making during covid-19 pandemic.
Alliance magazine editorial commended HRMI data to funders and philanthropists.
Devex published this article for the global development community, on what data tell us about the state of human rights.
HRMI data as a Resource
Swedish Group Sustainability Due Diligence lists HRMI as a human rights resource.
The Union of International Associations lists HRMI in its Global Civil Society Database.
The World Bank included HRMI data in the Worldwide Governance Indicators for 2021.
The Political Science Data website included HRMI data in its collection of datasets.
The Pacific Data Hub included HRMI data in its repository of data about and from the Pacific.
Jack Donnelly and Daniel Whelan discuss HRMI’s work in the 2020 edition of International Human Rights.
Australian Indigenous Health Info Net added two links to HRMI data in their resources pages. Our website analytics show that users click on these links frequently.
Transparency International (New Zealand branch) featured HRMI on its website.
New Demagogue included HRMI in its collection of internationally comparative surveys of the quality of democracy as well as the enforcement of individual as well as social human rights.
The European Data Journalism Network includes HRMI in a list of ‘useful data’ resources.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) regularly recommends its members use HRMI data in investigative reporting, and includes HRMI on its website as a data resource.
Several Wikipedia pages use HRMI data, including the pages Jair Bolsonaro, Human Rights in Mozambique, and Education in Uganda.
Human Rights Educators USA (HRE USA) publicised our data on their website.
Ongoing: University Courses
Analytics of our website referral data suggest that dozens of different universities from many countries are directing students to use our data.