Rights Intelligence dataset
To license the use of the Rights Intelligence dataset, please contact us at support [at] hrmi.ngo.
HRMI has developed a new dataset – known as the Rights Intelligence dataset – which contains scores for around 190 countries on all three dimensions of human rights that HRMI covers: economic and social rights; safety from the state; and empowerment rights. The dataset also includes a composite measure of human rights for each country, and country ‘grades’ on an A-E scale, with A grade countries being the world leaders and E grade countries being ‘high alert’ countries with very bad scores.
This dataset builds on HRMI’s core measurement work, bringing in other data sources also, to meet the needs of think tanks, academic researchers, and private sector firms. This dataset is available as a data subscription service – to gain access please contact us at support [at] hrmi.ngo.

What sets the Rights Intelligence dataset apart?
The Rights Intelligence dataset is the best and most comprehensive source of country human rights data available, and is particularly tailored to suit the needs of analysts needing cross-country data as an input to other work.
For human rights experts working in-depth on a small number of countries, the Rights Tracker is likely to better meet your needs.
The unique contribution of the Rights Intelligence dataset comes from a range of factors, including:
- Information is sourced from in-country human rights experts, as well as publicly available data sources.
- We measure outcomes for people (not laws or policies).
- Our methodology aims to avoid income bias which could penalise low-income countries.
- Our methodologies are peer reviewed by world-renowned academics, are published in international journals, and have won international awards.
- We provide comprehensive coverage of rights as defined in international human rights law.
- Our data allow for valid comparisons across countries and over time.
For more information, please see our short methodology note.
Please get in touch to gain access to the Rights Intelligence dataset: support [at] hrmi.ngo